David Kaun, sponsor of Santa Cruz Juvenile Hall Residency
"Most if not all of these kids really never had a chance. They came from broken homes, parents whose life experience more than likely also began in the juvy halls of their communities, and associating with equally disadvantaged youth. From day one, their life trajectory was set…with Juvy Hall one of the stops on the way to their own personal hell. But not every kid. For some, probably a minority alas, someone or thing—an experience of real love or beauty—will intrude in a way that changes their direction for the better. There’s no doubt in my mind but that your three day visit to the hall did and will have such an impact. The joy and happiness that you brought to those kids was vividly evident. And the impact will be both lasting and life changing…for some."
Youth from Santa Cruz County Juvenile Hall:
“It was pretty funny the way all of you would move around – it made me giggle a little. But like I said, all 4 of you are really, really talented. The way all 4 of you would play your music would make me feel good inside, made me feel like I had more peace in my life.”
Music student in Costa Rica:
“That all people whatever their nationality can unite and do incredible things. I am amazed that these great examples of people exist.”
“I learned many technical aspects of the bow and also how to improve my sound. I also learned the importance of posture and relaxation. I also really appreciate the humility of these musicians, their high level of musicianship and the fact that they have come to help us.”